Streaming and Streaming Design (Keywords: Windows Media Code, Windows Media SDK, Windows Media Streaming; ))

I started my career in streaming media in 1996 when I became a technical evangelist with the Network Multimedia Group (now Windows Media Group) at Microsoft. During the early days of Internet streaming, the audio was unintelligible and the video unrecognizable. A streamed voice was about all that the user could receive through streaming.

Windows Media Code: Windows Media SDK expertise

My job in the Windows Media group was incredibly fun and challenging. I began creating Windows Media code for demonstrations and clients. My expertise was centered on the Windows Media Player SDK. The Windows Media Player could be embedded into a web page thorough an Active X Control and Plug-In combination. The Windows Media Player SDK allowed the web developer to program custom features through JavaScript, Jscript or VBScript. Web developers used my demonstrations and code examples to create their own media players. As part of my evangelist position I spoke to user groups and helped Fortune 500 companies produce their own streaming.

In 1998 I spent six months writing about streaming with Microsoft’s Site Builder Network (now MSDN). I wrote examples and demonstrations of the Windows Media Player SDK. My Windows Media Code demonstrations included custom buttons, dynamic indexing of content and controlling Windows Media Video.

Windows Media Code, Windows Media SDK Windows Media Metafiles: ASX, WMX

Part of my job was creating metafile demonstrations. In other words building demonstration of the Windows Media Player that incorporated the ASX and later the WMX metafiles. These file types are used for transporting meta information and creating playlists.

In 1998 I left Microsoft to from OverDrive Media. I started OverDrive Media with Chong Kim and Blaine Reeder. We started as a streaming media professional services company. Later we moved out of professional services and created a large scale streaming media solution for syndicating streams in custom players.

OverDrive Media spent had several very successful years. We started as a small company with only a 20,000 personal investment in 1998. We did $800,000 of business in 2000. Unfortunately our clients began to go out of business in 2001 as the dot com bubble burst.

Streaming Media Solutions

Windows Media SDK, Windows Media Streaming Custom Streaming Media Players

The Windows Media SDK allows a web developer to create a custom solution. The streaming media player can be built as an executable in Visual Basic. The easiest way to create a streaming media player is by launching an external window and including the Windows Media Player through an Active X Control or Plug in. Custom play, pause and stop buttons can be created around the control.

Windows Media Code, Windows Media SDK Streaming Media Computer Based Training

Streaming Media is an effective way to communicate with a broad audience. Business productivity and effectiveness can be improved by creating effective computer based training solutions. By integrating streaming with other web based technologies like Active Server Pages, PHP or databases custom streaming media solutions can be created including needs assessment, custom training, implementation, assessment inturments, evaluation.

Streaming Media Links

Real Networks – The best place to find information about the Real Player
Windows Media – The best place to find information about the Windows Media Player – A great place to find information about Streaming Media
Streaming Magazine - A lesser known source of Streaming Media but they still have some good information

Seattle Streaming Design | Seattle Streaming Development Streaming Design Goals:

1. Create a beautiful product
2. Usability
3. Fullfill customer fuctionality
4. Surpass customer expectations
5. Download fast

Graphic Artists Guild: A great place to find Information about Streaming and Development.
Washington Software Alliance: The best technical resource in Washington, offering classes and SIGs (special interests groups) throughout the week.
Cool Home Pages: The best of the best in Streaming Design
ArtSource: The best damn contract Agency on Planet Earth. I get most of my contracts through the fine folks at Art Srouce. They represent numerous designers including (graphic designers, 3D artists, information architects, Streaming designers and Streaming developers).

Introduction | Streaming Design | CDROM Design | Flash Animation

Keywords: Windows Media Code, Windows Media Streaming, Windows Media SDK